A Railroad with Relevance

eBay Nets an Atlas AC&Y #200

Written By: Alan - Jun• 21•10

I am not a big eBay’er but you can’t beat it when you are looking for out of production MRR stuff. Last week I found, bid on and won an Atlas locomotive PT#9539 F-M H15-44 AC&Y #200. New in the box. And at an attractive price. This part number is nowhere to be found at retailers, internet or brick-n-mortar. It sold out long ago. According to the ACYHS web site, #200 was the lone H15-44 on the AC&Y roster. And now I have it in HO!

1942 – 1974 AC&Y Liveried Units Only
Number Builder Model Year Blt. Year
Class D-1 1600 HP Fairbanks-Morse (except No. 200 at 1500 HP)
200 F-M H15-44 1949 1949 1969
201 F-M H16-44 1951 1951 1969
202 F-M H16-44 1951 1951 1969
203 F-M H16-44 1951 1951 1968
204 F-M H16-44 1954 1954 1970
205 F-M H16-44 1954 1954 1970
206 F-M H16-44 1954 1954 1970
207 F-M H16-44 1955 1955 1970
208 F-M H16-44 1957 1957 1969

Excerpt from diesel roster listing. Complete list here.

All of the other 20_ numbered F-M locomotives were the higher horsepower H16-44’s. I have collected almost enough Atlas H16-44’s to have locomotive numbers 201-208. They are supplied from Atlas in road numbers 201 & 202 only but that isn’t a problem. After a little cosmetic renumbering and the appropriate CV set on the program track everything will be fine. The number boards are small but they will be changed too if I can hold my hand steady enough. Here is a review of the Atlas H15/16-44 models written when they were released in 2003.

Now if only one of the model companies offered F-M H20-44 locomotives. I can’t seem to find a trace of these ever being made. As units 500-508 they were the most powerful diesels in the AC&Y fleet. Their absence from the layout will be blatantly obvious to those familiar with the prototype. Who knows, when the time comes I may try my hand at scratch building one! For now I am happy as can be that I have going quite a collection of yellow locomotives.


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  1. MRR article says:

    MRR article…

    […]eBay Nets an Atlas AC&Y #200 « LK&O[…]…

  2. Steve Hedlund says:

    I am having a great time looking at your blog. The AC&Y has always been one of my favorites. Regarding the H20-44s, ALCO Models made a brass H20-44 and they still can be gotten for a decent price.

    Look here:

    Also Division Point might import their own version, and I have to assume that they will be painted AC&Y but most likely for lots of money.

    Take care and have a happy new year!!!

  3. alan says:

    Steve, I am happy to hear you are enjoying the read. I have watched the brass on eBay. It is an awful lot of money to spend for models that are known to be poor runners. One could re-motor and update the wheel pickups I suppose. But again, a lot of money and trouble. Suppose it is better than having none :). I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for someone to release an H20-44 in plastic but one can hope! Thanks again for visiting the LK&O blog.

  4. alan says:

    There is a theme link at the very bottom of each page.

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